whats on my glass??

I have a problem with the film on my glass, its brownish in color and i have to use a razor blade to get it off... a scrub brush wont scrub it off........ My tank is 3 1/2 months old.... i have a good amount of copapods.. 5' DSB and about 60 lbs of live rock.. many corals, inverts and 3 fish...
It doesnt look like the "blotchy" diatom algea but may be....
I am running a fluval 404.. backpack 2 skimmer, 2 PH's, uv sterilizer, and 2 100 w heaters. i have a double light strip with upgraded lights (forget what they are) I did have a compact light strip but didnt like teh color it gave to the tank, so got rid of it... I dont have a RO unit.. i use aged conitioned tap water for water changes and distilled spring water for evaporation. The lights are on for 12 hours a day.
I keep the temp at 76-78 degrees and the water perameters are... amm 0 nitrites 0 nitrates 20 ph 8.3 sal is at 1.022
any thoughts??
Thanking you kindly, Kim


Kim - I have the same light brown colored growth. My conditions pretty much duplicate yours. It is very strong stuff. A razor blade is the only way to remove it.
Can't help otherwise......hope we both get some answers soon.
I mean that I keep water in a bucket with water conditioner(removes chlorine and stuff) and a heater and a PH, then I use it to do my water changes....
Thaking you kindly, Kim