What's on my live rock


Several months ago I purchase two pieces of live rock at a local LFS to help top off my reef. On both of these rocks there were what looked like old dead coral growths. they were tan in color and hard. Now I am noticing what look like short polyps (on one growth they are green on the other they are brown)coming out of the small pores of this old dead coral patch. At first I thought it was algea of some kind but the polyps react to touch or water pressure and retract quickly back into the pores of the coral patch. I find it hard to beleive that this coral somehow survived all this time and has come back to life but what kind of algea react like this to touch? Sorry no photos as I do not have a digital camera. Any help would be apreciated.

nm reef

Active Member
Doesn't sound like algae....maybe polyps????A picture would be good to helps folks here help ya id whatever it is....in any case keep a eye on it and good luck