What's picking on my firefish?


I've got a group of 3 firefish. 2 of them the largest and smallest school together. The medium size one recently started staying to himself, and often emerges with torn fins. Not fin rot, but single tears and sometimes his top high fin is half gone. After a week or so he will heal back and look good again then it will happen again. I have seen the 2 smaller firefish squable sometimes, but thougt they were generally peaceful and preferred schooling together. My suspects are a sally lightfoot that's quite bold sometimes, a brown rock crab that I've had for 2 years and never caused damage to other fish, and the two firefish. Anyone care to guess?


not really sure what the awnser is.
I will say at least you get to see yours. Mine barely come out to eat, I forget sometimes I have them. When I do see them they look healthy as anything, dont understand. I feel bad for them but I am not going to tear down tank to catch and return to lfs:(


Active Member
well, my guess is
all 3 are possiblitlies.
definitely the rock crab is a good candidate. esp if the ff decided to try and camp out in his hole
but, if it is no longer hangnin with the other ff, then could be they are fighting. THey are very well known for being aggressive towards each other, IF you intend to keep a school, it really does need to be a school, 3 or 4 is very risky, in fact it is almost guarenteed taht the end result will be 1 or none left b4 it is all over. 2 is even very risky, unless you get a pair, which is often very difficult to tell for sure without time


Active Member
I guess I've just been lucky with my firefish... I have a group of three that are out almost all the time and that have never shown any agressive behavior towards one another.


Active Member
luck, is always a possibility
by the norm, tho the odds are against it not happening(loong term)
how long you had yours together???