What's the benifit of Chaeto?


What's the benifit of Chaeto? I have FOWLR 100g tank with wet dry system and am wondering if chaeto would be better.


Many people grow chaeto and other macroaglaes to reduce nitrate. The chaeto uses the excess nutrients (from waste and uneaten food) to grow, reducing the amount of nitrate in the water (which helps limit nuisance algae growth in your display tank).
Chaeto would not replace your need for a wet/dry filter. If you have bioballs, the bacteria growing on it is what breaks down ammonia in your system (same bacteria as on live rock). Chaeto will not break down ammonia, so it can't replace the wet/dry. If you have trouble with algae in the tank or high nitrates, growing chaeto in a refugium will help. But you can't replace the wet/dry with just chaeto- you would need other filtration (could just be more LR).


Reason i'm asking is because everything is fine except my nitrates are high (hovering around 40) and i heard of people using chaeto to reduce it.


Growing chaeto should help with your nitrates. You can buy refugiums that hang on the back of a tank, or you could build a refugium and connect it to your wet/dry.
If you have bioballs in the wet/dry, you might want to rinse some of them every few months (rinse them using old water from a water change, not tap water- you want to remove any debris caught in the balls, but you don't want to kill the bacteria growing on them). Aim on cleaning about 1/2 the bioballs every 6 months- you don't want to clean them all at once just in case you lose some of the bacteria.


Tumbling means you need enough water flow falling onto the chaeto that it moves around. You don't want the chaeto to stay still.
As for connecting a refugium to the wet/dry, it depends on what your setup looks like. You could either drill a hole in the wet/dry and connect it to a small refugium setup, or build/buy a sump that includes both a wet/dry section and refugium compartment. If you look at sumps in the DIY section, or search for melevs reef, you'll find tons of drawings and pictures of possible setups.

salt life

Active Member
why does it need to be tumbled to be affective? all I do is "fluff" it like 2 times a day and it has great growth and has brought my nitrates down to 20ppm. all the flow that goes throug my fuge section in the sump goes through the chaeto.


Originally Posted by Salt Life
why does it need to be tumbled to be affective? all I do is "fluff" it like 2 times a day and it has great growth and has brought my nitrates down to 20ppm. all the flow that goes throug my fuge section in the sump goes through the chaeto.
I have been washing mine in the DT at water change time. The fish in the DT love it, lots of Bugs come out.


How would it be done then without drilling? My wet dry has 2 compartments, one with bio balls and the other has the return pump.


Active Member
the way I had mine, was I split one of the drains then had that run into the fuge then used a siphon to connect the fuge to my wet/dry.
let me know if I didnt make any sense. its kind of late


Active Member
I've never had mine tumble.. but all my flow through my sump/fuge has to go through it and every time I test I have 0 trates and 0 phosphates.