What's the best food for a adult Emperor Angelfish?


New Member
I just got him the other day from a friend. I have been feed Formula 1 and 2 and Pygmy angel formula. I want to give him a variety.
I also have in the tank. 1 Naso Tang, 1 Yellow Butterfly, 1 Lemonpeel, 1 Porcupine Puffer, 1 Marron Clown, 1 Regal Tang, 1 Hawkfish. Emperor and Butterfly do get along great. Tank has been going for about 5 years. I bought this house and the former owner had the tank already built in. So we keeped it. So I am still a newbie, but a not in a hurry to had a lot more fish, I am pacing myself.
I have an almost adult emperor and he eats like a freakin pig, and I feed him some different things to keep it varied. His main diet consists of 3 things, in the morning I give him his frozen sponge, and the whole tank gets a big clip of nori. Then in the evening, he gets formula 2 or pygmy angel formula and the tank gets another clip of nori. He eats all his food and then usually eats most or at least half of the nori before the others can get a bite. He can eat forever it seems like. Also, sometimes the tank gets frozen brine shrimp as well. Basically give him sponge, at least half of his food should be green, and then anything else that is healthy. Just know that they eat tons of sponge and greens in the wild and without these the will not show their full coloration, they will have faded coloration which a lot of emperors have, because they don't get enough greens. Good luck to you and your emperor, mine is my favorite fish I own, he's amazing. See ya.
I have an almost adult emperor and he eats like a freakin pig, and I feed him some different things to keep it varied. His main diet consists of 3 things, in the morning I give him his frozen sponge, and the whole tank gets a big clip of nori. Then in the evening, he gets formula 2 or pygmy angel formula and the tank gets another clip of nori. He eats all his food and then usually eats most or at least half of the nori before the others can get a bite. He can eat forever it seems like. Also, sometimes the tank gets frozen brine shrimp as well. Basically give him sponge, at least half of his food should be green, and then anything else that is healthy. Just know that they eat tons of sponge and greens in the wild and without these the will not show their full coloration, they will have faded coloration which a lot of emperors have, because they don't get enough greens. Good luck to you and your emperor, mine is my favorite fish I own, he's amazing. See ya.