i have always used ebo jaegers and have had no problems, i still got the first one i bought over 15 years ago. very reliable and have never broken one once. cheap online also.
I prefert the titanium Pro Heat if for nothing else than the fact that I can control the heat setting from the plug rather than trying to mess with it on top of the unit under the water.
They have new all stainless steel ones now & the control is outside the tank, so you can adjust it, if you must, alot peacefully. They cost about the same as any glass & won't break if you pull out before it cools down. I will say the first I got shorted or something. I replaced it & will keep up-to-date on it's status, but it's still cheaper & it maintains temp, compared to glass. Try http://www.**************.com/produc...=6&pCatId=8172 http://www.**************.com/produc...=6&pCatId=8169