whats the best water


New Member
I was wondering if any1 has heard bad things about catalina water or scripps water is it better to make my own or perhaps buy some from a lfs that makes thereown?


Active Member
Those should be natural sea water sources and I would personally use them for sure.
My second suggestion would be the above, buy an RO, and make your own.


Active Member
i just get mine from the ocean. dont have to pay for it, and dont have to mix the RO with salt.
if you dont live near an ocean, just get an ro/di unit and buy synthetic sea salt.


This brings up a very good question.... I live literally right across the street from the ocean. New Jersey. I can just walk across and get some water but I was told by some people that I shouldnt and just use my own homemade. I have been doing that for a while but I always think about the water across the street. What does everyone think about real sea water keeping in mind I live in Jersey where everything is questionable.
P.S. Sorry to Highjack.


Active Member
Originally Posted by teen
i just get mine from the ocean. dont have to pay for it, and dont have to mix the RO with salt.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by BIGREEFER
This brings up a very good question.... I live literally right across the street from the ocean. New Jersey. I can just walk across and get some water but I was told by some people that I shouldnt and just use my own homemade. I have been doing that for a while but I always think about the water across the street. What does everyone think about real sea water keeping in mind I live in Jersey where everything is questionable.
P.S. Sorry to Highjack.

Do not use close-to-shore seawater. The Coney Island Aquarium uses water from 500 feet offshore, since there are too many pollutants close to shore.

shark bait

most places have that kind of water and it is about $1.50 where I live. But for the cost of my tank it would be $450, and I would need to run to the store everytime i need to add water. I have a 5 stage rodi with uv and it was less than the ocean water when I add the rodi unit and the salt together. Plus it is great to just make your own water when you need it. GO RODI AND DO IT YOUR SELF


Buy a good RO/DI and make your own water. NEVER collect water or sand from the beach area. Sand and water that we buy is collected way off-shore.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TangWhispr
Sand and water that we buy is collected way off-shore.
thats what you think. a lot of those companies based in florida collect from beaches, bridges, inlets, wherever is easiest for them to get to.


Active Member
i think the catalina water is the best imo aquarium of the pacific uses it even in there sps tank and its cheap 60 cents in some places in la but if your system is over 150 gallons thats too much water to haul from the store i suggess to get a r/o system and mixed your own. good luck


Originally Posted by teen
thats what you think. a lot of those companies based in florida collect from beaches, bridges, inlets, wherever is easiest for them to get to.
Thats simply not true.


catalina water is great. the corals i had while using it had good growth. now that i switched to tropic marine some of my corals declined. i want to go back to get catalina water but my lfs doesnt supply it any more. they got their own mix.