Whats the BEST way to frag a candy cane


Active Member
use a dremel cutting disk to cut through the skeleton at the next intersection down from the head provided it is more than 1 1/2" away from living tissue of the head, as the polyps can receed far into the base skeleton.


you can also use those hand cutters for small branches and stuff. Im not exactly sure what they are called but they work good.


Active Member
I use bone cutters, they snap pretty easy, sometimes too easy and you end up with way more frags than you wanted.


Active Member
I ususally just snap them by hand, buy doc asked for the best way, I feel the dremel cut reduces the risk of splintering that can be ascociated with hand snapping or pressure cuts (snips).


Well Doc as soon as you say I can come over here is your CANDY CANE
The second pic is the gapping hole you left me
Third is about 2 hours later, doesn't it make your mouth water



Active Member
Hey whenever you like! I'll be home most of the weekend and all day tomorow! (Friday) I cant wait! I got some new additions for you to check out when you come over. A blackcap basslet, 2 aquacultered Banghaiis(my last hope for keeping them), a bicolor blenny(last one jumped ship
) some more green chromises, a couple orange linka stars and a red general star. All from this site. Be seein' ya!
BTW, I gotta shut my pc down now cause I just drooled all over the keyboard


Active Member
The kenya trees are doing fine, and the candy cane has allready opened up. i cant wait to see 'em under the actinics tonight!


Yeah, they started from about 6 polyps. They seem to love the enviroment I have created for them. Hopefully in about six months I will show you how big your have gotten.