Whats the best way to transport a fish


Active Member
i have to get rid of my valentini puffer so i can get peppermint shrimp to kill my aiptasia, but ive never taken a fish anywhere but home when it was in its bag, i dont have any fish bags, so what can i use to take him to the LFS?
(Im sure the answer is right in front of me, i just cant see it


Well-Known Member

I have used a tupperware bowl but be careful if it washed you need to really, really rinse it good.
I use zip lock gallon bags too..seal it and set it down inside the bowl for more stability.


Active Member
thanks, i figured it wouldnt be to complicated.
I really hate to get rid of my puffer, but i would rather get rid of him($15) Rather then inverts and corals($50+)