Whats the Best?


New Member
I am wanting to start a 115 gallon semi-aggressive fish tank. I am wondering what is the best type of filtration for this type of setup(specific brands and names). I am thinking of keeping a dogface puffer, a imperator Angle fish, a scopas tang, and a small school of Blue/Green Reef Chromis.
Thanks for all the Help!!!!


Active Member
Welcome to the board! Hopefully, my harping won't sour you!

I'd recommend a large wet/dry system on a tank like this, along with at least 60 lbs of live rock.
However, two things I must mention.
1. If you are a newbie to saltwater as your moniker suggests, I would NOT attempt to keep the Emperor (Imperator) Angel. This can be a tricky species, and I can speak from experience. I killed four of them before I gave up. They are, by a country mile, my all time favorite marine fish, but I just can't keep them alive, and although I am no "expert" I am certainly "experienced." I might suggest the Koran Angel instead (P. Semicirculatus). This is one of the hardiest of the large angels. I am on my first one and he's still alive.

2. I am not certain how long the fairly small Reef Chromis(s) will survive with that puffer in the tank. Instead, you might try a small school of straight out damsels. They are much more agressive and will stand up to that puffer. I may be completely wrong here... I've never kept a puffer.
Have you considered the Wrasses such as the Lunare, Farily, or Dragon? I only mention it because I personally wouldn't have a FO system without them!


New Member
Originally Posted by SCSInet
Welcome to the board! Hopefully, my harping won't sour you!

I'd recommend a large wet/dry system on a tank like this, along with at least 60 lbs of live rock.
However, two things I must mention.
1. If you are a newbie to saltwater as your moniker suggests, I would NOT attempt to keep the Emperor (Imperator) Angel. This can be a tricky species, and I can speak from experience. I killed four of them before I gave up. They are, by a country mile, my all time favorite marine fish, but I just can't keep them alive, and although I am no "expert" I am certainly "experienced." I might suggest the Koran Angel instead (P. Semicirculatus). This is one of the hardiest of the large angels. I am on my first one and he's still alive.

2. I am not certain how long the fairly small Reef Chromis(s) will survive with that puffer in the tank. Instead, you might try a small school of straight out damsels. They are much more agressive and will stand up to that puffer. I may be completely wrong here... I've never kept a puffer.
Have you considered the Wrasses such as the Lunare, Farily, or Dragon? I only mention it because I personally wouldn't have a FO system without them!

Do you have any pics of you Koran Angel?