Whats the chance my False Perculas will host this?


Active Member
I have x2 false perculas and i just added a green toadstool mushroom yesterday
whats the possibility of them hosting it?



Active Member
I would think not much of a chance. Don't they like tenticles that are long. I have seen them host bubble corals though and other oddities.


Active Member
I've seen quite a few pairs of percs hosting in toadstool leathers (I assume that's what you meant instead of mushroom). I've also seen them host in many different lps, but the lps doesn't seem to do as well.


My Picasso's in my one home reef use a brain coral as their host. I've had clowns at the store use goniopora, plate corals, xenia, toadstools, frogspawn, hammers..... no telling what goes through their minds LOL. So yes, there is a chance they'll use it as a host.