Whats the cheapest and easiest way to set up a refugium?


I really want to set up a refugium with macroalgae in it and am considering ideas. Would a 10 gallon aquarium suffice with a 20 gallon sump and 75 gallon display tank? What about lighting and water movement how much do i need of each? How about putting it in the water intake in that black cover at the back of the display tank? Would appreciate any advice


Well-Known Member
google or bing aquaclear refugium mod....i used 30s but if ur dt is a 75 id use the ones recommended...


Active Member
Cheapest refugium is probably beaslbob's way of sectioning off a part of your DT with eggcrate, putting your macroalgae in that section. Done.
Not pretty, but you didn't ask for pretty...