What's the coolest hitch hiker you found?


Active Member
Well, as I'm fighting a disease in my display right now (see my other posts...) I've been watching my tank especially close the past couple of days (it's even been cutting into my time posting on here).
Today, I saw a tiny rock in my sand that has 3 baby Zoos growing on it! I'm so excited to see my zoos spreading like that.
The biggest surprise, however, came later. I saw my pistol shrimp in a cave next to my Cleaner Shrimps. That's the first time I've ever seen him out. Then I looked into his normal hole and realized I now have 2 Pistol Shrimp! No idea where the second one came from.


Active Member
my coolest hitchhiker was a small purple lobster. didnt know i had him until he molted and i found the molt.


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Originally Posted by sweetdawn
my coolest hitchhiker was a small purple lobster. didnt know i had him until he molted and i found the molt.

That's cool, I think I read on here once someone had a seahorse as a hitchiker.


Active Member
I carried home a 1" Fuzzy Dwarf, one time, as a hitch hiker on some live rock.
Didnt even know he was there till I picked up the rock, to put in the tank, and it stung me. lol


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Originally Posted by ViPeR_930
My favorite hitchhiker is my 1/4" dendrophyllia polyp.

I've got that too!!! I've got two of'em in my tank!!! I've gotten these stuffs as hitchhikers into my tank. Bunch of Keyhole Limpets, various hermits, and clams. :happyfish


I had ordererd a Bubble Coral from SWF and found I had a Peppermint Shrimp with it. It was so small and transparent that I had no idea what it was so I kept it in a bucket for about 3-4 days until someone here on the site ID it for me, then put it in the tank.
Sucker got "HUGE" ...they grow fast.


Active Member
i am not experienced enough to have many, but here is my favorite so far.. a crab about the size of a turantula. legs look like they are from one too! he is very camera shy and i had to resist chasing him around to get better pic. I dunno if he is a good crab or a bad crab, but he dont eat meat, or just too lazy to come out of rocks to eat dead shrimp.. havent named him yet but he is the biggest life form in my tank so far! im excited! i have somethin esle to watch instead of just the sand critters, fire worms, and tiny brittle stars..



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has a different color to it then the gorilla crab i looked up.. also long legs like a turantula.. is there a such as a turantula crab?? LOL JK


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Aiptasia and a feather duster are really the only ones I have noticed. The feather duster turned out to be rather large so I am happy.


I just bought a 5lb piece of LR from a broken down tank. It came with a crab like the one 420 is talking about, a really small starfish, and some type of coral that started to grow that is very cool looking (purplish/pink strands with neon green tips). It looks smooth when it's flowing with the current. Alas, either the sally lightfoot or emerald crap made a meal out of it :(


Active Member
Originally Posted by ReefNut
Although I have a ton of favorites... I think sand worms have to be at the top of my list

I've got those too, but I think they moved down from my live rocks. Plus a bunch of feather dusters everywhere, there's babies that moved onto the base rocks. :happyfish


Active Member
i got a little pistole shrimp. ive heard of some people getting small fish like clown or bar gobies though. also i got a christiams tree rock that was sold to me as live rock cause it wasnt open so me or the people at the LFS didnt know.


not mine personally but a friend of mine who has worked at my local LFS for like 12 years got some jelly fish (not the kind that swim around but they sit on the bottom and pulse they will only float up about 4 IN and then back down) He has some pics i'll see if i can have him email me some. They have actually started to multiply in his 125, im second inline to get one or two, they are by far the coolest hitchhiker
sorry i dont know the species but he has asked Bob Fenner and Calfo and they dont have an exact answer either