Whats the deal wit hQueen Triggers?

big dave

Guys, really, why do a lot of you really like these fish??? Theyre aggressive beyond belief, not really that pretty, and way overpriced. Geez, I catch these things durin the summer and EAT THEM!!!! I live in NJ!!!! Who wants one? come the summer, I'll send you a "quality show-sized" queen for the cost of shipping!!!!!! Youll pay $70+ for a juvenile, and you can go catch your own!!!!

big dave

Im just venting... If anyone is offened by this get a shark to delete it. I apologize for any frustration.


Whats the deal? Queen triggerfish, are the coolest, and one of the rarest triggerfish. They don't look good? these fish are beautiful, how can you not like them? I wish I could get one from you, but I live in Illinois. Queen triggerfish are my favorite fish.


Active Member
Yes they are pretty to me also, but aggressive yes they are. I remember a beautiful Queen at my lfs that was brought in for attacking its tank mates after it had grown to about 6 inches or so. My guy there offered it to me for free and I passed. He finally gave it to his wholesaler to get rid of it as no one would take it and it was using a whole tank at the store. Now if one had a tank just for it (like a undulated) it probably would be a great fish to have as the books say they get to know their owner and enjoy being fussed over.
queens are one of the best looking fish what are you talking about. they get real big and i probably will get one one day. 70 beans for a juvenile that is way too much.. i didnt know you can catch them in nj??????


New Member
No i agree with you Dave...I think they're pretty ugly too. Especially for the price. I'd much rather have a Humu or Clown. They're especially ugly as juveniles but when full grown they get a little bit better...but not much.

big dave

Thanks pork. I really dont see them as that pretty. Im not kidding if anyone wants one ill try to keep one alive and ship it this summer. Theyre not that rare in the wild. Anyone on the east coast can go wreck fishing and catch a few very easily. The best was to catch triggers is to chum with bunker for a while then set out lines with wire leaders and drop them down about 20 feet. They come to NJ in the Gulf Stream during the summer. So do many caribbean fish. For example, Ive caught Queen Angels(Angels not triggers!) thats would sell easily for $250. Also, some tropicals ive caught are spotfin and 4 eye butterflys, wrasses, planehead and white spot files, and your beloved Porky Puffer.

big dave

Also, a guy that works with me said hes shot a few while spearfishing for Tautog(a really big northern wrasse which is mighty tasty). He says they somtimes school around rockpiles.


Active Member
ive caught so many queens while fishing for snapper and grouper around oil rigs it really makes me mad. they taste pretty good though. tautog are the ugliest fish there is. they are mighty fine eating though. bo

big dave

I want to try to catch a few this summer and send a few to some ppl on this BB because they seem to be being overcharged by their LFS's or can't even find one anywhere for any price. You will have to wait until summer when I will be able to catch a few. This is a potential venture, not a definite.


Ya queen triggerfish are my favorite triggerfish. But they are mean, and they get BIG. I am putting one in a 220 gallon tank, once it cycles. But, queens get around 20 in. and need around a 250 or larger.