whats the deal with Live Rock


New Member
are they really something need or are they more of "a good thing to have" if it will increase the quality of the environment to a sufficient ammount, I will definately get some


Active Member
You'll be glad you did if you do. Each pound of LR has an extraordinarily large amount of beneficial bacteria hiding in every nook and cranny, as well as other beneficial creatures that either filter the water or clean up after everyone else.
All in all, it is definately worth getting however, it is not absolutely needed.


I agree, its for biofiltration. and it introduces other hitchhikers like bristle worms that will aerate your sand bed.. My pods from my LR just about got all the green algae of the glass, its amazing.. the back wall was completely green, now I can see though it. They also cleaned up the sand bed pretty well. They are eating well and getting big. kinda scary, but I suggest the Live Rock.