What's the Difference?



The only fine grain substrat my LFS sells is by natures ocean and it is Crushed Coral... but it is sand... Made by Nature's Ocean lol.
Is there a difference between aragonite and crushed coral sand? (not the bio-activated stuff)I'm confused. <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />
Argonite will help maintain calcium levels in a tank where Crushed Coral will not, no matter how fine.
I went to the natures ocean website, and the finest grain they have in the CC is 2 to 4 millimeters in size. That's equivelent to 1/16 to 1/8 of an inch.
It is best to get a smaller size that this, to be actual sand. The smaller the grain size the more surface area is exposed, thus, better denitrification.
Hope this helps.


hmmm the grain of this stuff (although I've tossed the bags away) is more fine than the Nature's Ocean bio-activated sand. (calling lfs for details...)
okay -- Crushed Coral Sand made by Nature's Ocean.. no grain size on the bag.
Nature's ocean has many different kinds of stuff. crused shell, gravel in many sizes. Their Live argonite is .05 to 1.7 mm in size. Here is their website link.
<a href="http://www.naturesocean.com" target="_blank">www.naturesocean.com</a>


Thanks. Don't see it there. hmmmm o-well, it is fine stuff.. not aragonite guess I'll use it (since there is already 20lbs of it in my 50 gal along with 80lbs Nature's Ocean Bio-Activated Sand).