I'm just curious. I have some bryopsis in my 120. I have brought my magnesium up to around 1800 currently with no ill effects. I am trying to do a little expiermenting with a different brand of magnesium. I know alot of people have had success with a specific brand and I will use it if the brand I'm using dosn't work. I'm wanting to see if its really the brand for myself or if it has more to do with the magnesium chloride and sulfate ratios. I have read of people putting there mag up that high and sustaining without detrimental effects. Problem is I'm skeered LOL. Anybody had mag that high and sustained it for more than two weeks?I think I'm starting to see some results but nothing definetive. Seams like the patches are thinning and I noticed some small pieces of it in the water column today.