What's the point?


What's everyone's obsession with damsels and chromis? Just looking for a cheap way to add some color? Seems more like a pointless gesture that only serves to increase the bio load when you could have an alternate more interesting....weird.


Active Member
Damsels and chromis are fish too.
To each their own.
I like my chromis as mush as any of my other fish.


i like my damsels too, but i just got rid of all except one. i would rather have more exotic fish in my tank than just damsels. i spent all this money on salt to have damsels in my tank? :thinking:


damsels and chromis are so cheap cause how many are caught and used in the hobby. they are both very beautiful and exotic species as any other fish. you cant say that a school of chromis isnt a a great addition to any reef.
they may be cheap but add alot of color and personality to the setup you have.
you gonna talk bad about every fish that is cheap. yellow tangs are the same way. you can get them for $10-$15 now. you can also get some species of clowns for $15. but they are still amazing fish.
those are just my opinions of coarse.


you can't really compare yellow tangs or clowns to damsels. that's like comparing a motorcyle to a 4 door sedan.


having a small school of chromis in a reef tank adds so much to the look and feel of a tank.
I think they look great and IMO a school of small colorful fish makes any reef tank look more exotic.
on the other hand... Damsils are the devil...


i wasnt comparing tangs and clowns to damsels and chromis. i was just stating that they are a cheap fish too but also alot of fun to keep. just cause something is cheap doesnt mean its not a good addition.
"Just looking for a cheap way to add some color? "
i myself like damsels and chromis. the chromis in my reef are one of my favorite fish. but in my aggressive yes i have some more expensive fish. nothing under $25 except for the free 4" blue velvet damsel. and the only fish that was $25 was my niger trigger. i also have a guinea fowl puffer, that wasnt cheap by no means, and a harqulen tusk that wasnt cheap. but they go with what im trying to achieve in my aggresive tank.
once again just my insight. there are pros and cons to every fish.