What's the problem with Sand Stars???


What are the negitives about sand sifting stars? what are the best janitoral type varmits for turning over the substrate? sand sifting crabs? conch?:notsure:


Active Member
You want sand sHifters and not sIfters, Sifters will depleat your sand bed of micro fauna rendering it dead and useless and without an ongoing supply will slowly starve to death. Try using Nassarius Snails or conchs to turn over your sand bed.


do those starfirsh sift or shift?
and how many nassiurs do i want? i have a 150 gal with about 40-50 in thier already mixed in with a handfull (10) of turbo snails and a few emerald crabs (4)? is this a sufficent cleanup crew or do i need more??


Active Member
They are sifters and should be avoided i am affraid. Whether you need more or not is a personal prefference, a sand shifting goby might be an option but they tend to create sand storms which may come to rest on your rockwork(pretty easy to use a turkey baster to blow off excess sand when needed)