What's the time frame on lower Nitrates

east tx

I added 4" to an already 2" for a DSB.
I do a water change once a week.
Tank reads ok, except my nitrates and it's @ 35ppm.
29 gal tank...30bs of LR about 6" LS. I added the LS Friday and tonight my Nitrates read 40ppm. How long does it takes before I see that the DSB is going to help?
What should I do next?
Hope you can help.
I have a cheap filter and a protien skimmer too.


How often are you feeding your fish? 40ppm is a LOT for a salt water tank! Are you sure theres are Nitrates and not Nitrites?


I think it's fine. Try to feed your fishes less. As you might know, ammonia turn to nitrite then to nitrate. So more food, more poo and pee, more ammonia, to nitrite and it will lead to high nitrate.
As far as I know, as long as it's below 40 ppm, it's fine. Again that's what I know, I might be wrong, but that's what I know. And I am pretty sure that what you have is nitrate, because nitrite should be zero at all times. If your nitrite is 40 ppm, then your fish would've been dead by now, because my test kit only measures nitrite up to 5 ppm :D
I hope that helps.


IMO 40 ppm is not alot. Trates are not nearly as hard on fish as trites. Try to keep them as low as possible, by watching your feedings and do regular water changes, but if you detect some trates, Dont worry. Worry when they get REAL high.


Active Member
The small spike in Nitrates from 35-40 should settle down in about a week. Should try to keep Nitrates below 40-50. I'm not quite sure what media you are running in your "cheap" filter. Cheap Activated Carbon can also lead to more nitrates. Carbon also needs to be changed often again depending on the quality. . I'm not sure you even need carbon with your setup if you buy a very good skimmer.In my opinion the skimmer is the most important and essential piece of equipment on A S/W tank and you should get the best one you can afford.

east tx

My filter is just a hang off the back, I use diamond Activated Carbon. Also Prism skimmer.
How about the sand activation "kits" to help??
This a 29 gal. Seahorse tank. So I'm sure all the food doesn't get ate and I leave it for the guys to hunt till next feeding.
Thanks for your help. I will change the carbon today too.


Active Member
What is your fish load? 40ppm of nitrate is not fine! Try removing your carbon or only using it a week per month.


Active Member
By the way where did you get the sand from? If it was shipped to you some die off in the sand will happen causing a nitrate rise.

east tx

I got my sand from *****, had no other choice, and that was my first option getting the nitrates down.
Why take out the carbon??
I ahve 6 horses a couple coral and a starfish and cleanup crew.