whats this on my LR?



a few 1/4 to 1/2 inch "spots" emerald green in color are growing on my LR. it's not hairy or fuzzy and nobody touches it. i have 2 urchins, an emerald crab, shrimp, hermits, turbo's, a lawn mower blenny, and two hungry tangs.
the LR i have is a mix of about 30lb.s i had for 3+ years and about 60 from a friend who never ran his lights and was totally bleached and brittle when i got it. that was about a year ago. its a 95 wave front FOWLER going reef soon.
i've seen plenty of coraline growth in the past months in hues of lime green, pinks, and purples but this is different. its a deep emerald green and its only in two places, one is one a small piece from the old 30 lb batch i had and the other on a big piece from my buddy. ???
here's some pics, this camera is a toy but its all i have right now.
wont let me upload pics??? will try later...



Active Member
They're not bubbles are they? I've had a few green slime algae spots on some live rock while I was gone for 4 monhts (wife still did a terrific job taking care of it but no water changes) and the 3 spots I had I just took out the live rock, ran it under tap water and took a tooth brush to it.
That might sound harsh --- but COMPLETELY got rid of it, and the baby feather dusters that were living on the rock came out an hour later so I didn't even kill those off. If you have a chance to do something like that you might save yourself an infestation of green slime/bubble aglae.....BUT the pics aren't really good enough to tell what it is.