Whats This On the LR I Bought???


Active Member
It looks like something I saw posted a week or so ago. Forgot what the mods called it , but they indicated it was invasive and considered a nuisance. I'll try to find the info and post a link.


Active Member
Originally Posted by PBLRDom
what do i do to take care of it?
Take the rock out and scrub it off with a brush (new of course)


Active Member
I can't find the thread.
ps hey mods, I just did a search for "ID please" and got no results after I had just scoured the threads and seen it in several titles. What gives?


Active Member
Originally Posted by PBLRDom
what do i do to take care of it?
You can use tweezers to pull it out of the rock, I did that once before I got an emerald crab. Emerald crabs will eat it.