What's this?

I'm sorry I can't put a picture up because I don't know how. Anyway, it looks like a snail but it doesn't have a shell. I have ten mexican turbo's in the tank and they are all acounted for. It was eleven, one died a week ago.
I saw it when I got home tonight it was crawling on the glass. It has since crawled back onto the l/r. I figur it's a snail. But, no shell?
its was a nudibranch or sea slug it eats corals occasionally. <img src="graemlins//uhuh.gif" border="0" alt="[U-Huh]" />


Active Member
does sound like a nudi, and they may eat corals, depending on what type, they only eaat one thing(eat type is different), and they often do not do well in aquariums, because tehy do only eat one thing and will hammer it until it is all gone, then starve