Whats this???


This brown hairy pipe looking thing started growing on my live rock. What is it and how do I get rid of it?


Active Member
I saw the thread and the orignal picture. I held off on the smart a$$ "that'd be a blurry picture" comment.
But yeah...it's aptasia.


Active Member
use the search on this site for lots of info on them. But removal is best with lemon juice, a product called "joe's juice," or kalkwasser paste made from powder and a little tank water.


thx guys. im gonna go get some peppermint shrimp and a bottle of joes juice just incase the shrimp dont do there job.


Active Member
larger peppermints have a better chance of eating them. get 2-3 to increase your odds, and make sure you drip acclimate for 3 hours or so , to keep their health optimal. i did this, and they destroyed all of my aip.
give them a little time too. sometimes when you start trying to squirt the aip, it goes crazy and starts multplying like mad. natural predation is a great method, and wont mess with your calcium / alk / pH numbers.


Well I got five peppermint shrimp today and put them in. I only got joes juice as a back up. appreciate the advice guys.