what's this???


New Member
i got some fugi lr from this site and cured it for over three weeks by itself. its been in my tank for couple months and now there is these things growing. there are white to clear bulb/stalks growing all over my tank on everything. the biggest one i can find looks like it may have tentacles on it. i have nothing in my tank right now but my lr and fish. and was going to get some stuff for it but these things showed up and dont want to waste money if these are a bad thing
if anyone knows or has some comments about this thanks


lr is live rock.... did you dip the LR before quarantining it? I had something like that. turned out to be some kind of fungus. my urchin found it and for two days he sat there just munching on it. took care of it


New Member
yes i dipped it when i got it and after the 3 weeks befor putting it in to make sure no hitchhikers where in/on it.


the stuff i had looked like feeder tenacles, white and about an inch long. at thier base was a kinda sponge looking base... like those caterpiller cocoons you see in trees