Whats up with my digi?


Active Member
Well I just looked into my tank and my digitata had this white spot. What could it be? Should I break it off and re-mount? Everything else is fine...


hi kpk, did you have your digi in your tank before you put your new MH's in? sinse i put my MH's in i have a couple of corals bleaching. and i'm only running my new lights an hour a day to start with. they have been hooked up for one week now. so maybe thats what is going on with your digi. but i'm no expert at this, i could be wrong. hopefully someone else might have an idea, good luck, i hope it will be ok.


Active Member
Thanks guys, tonya i got the monti out of a tank with 250w halides so it shouldn't be that.
Skilo I will put it in more flow, it might not be getting too good right now. I will keep you all updated...


Active Member
Ok I moved it, but right on the opposite side of the white spot there is another white spot about the same size? What the heck?