What's with pink algae?????

east tx

Hi all
I don't know what this is I guess pink Algae.
It looks like it's been splattered with a brush. Not much on the tank but power heads and etc. I think some of my rock had pink on them too.
Is this good or bad? Should I worry about it. Tank reads good, water change every 3 weeks. 55 gal.
Thanks for the help :eek:

nm reef

Active Member
Sounds like coraline and thats good.......I've got tons of it on the glass and plastic........personally I try to remove it from the front glass.......I kind of like to peek at my critters now and then...........

east tx

What does this mean?
hard, flakes = can be coralinne = good. greasy slimey =cyano=bad
I may have missed something.


Algea comes in many colors. I feel cheated that I don't have pink. I need to talk to the tank about that. I want pink LOL....