What's wrong with him?


I bought him like 4 days ago, he was doing ok although he was not eating like his tankmate, a porky . The only thing he ate was frozen "emerald entree". Today when I woke up he was there, underneath the rock, without moving. I thought he was dead but he was still breathing. And he still is. He's been there the whole day and he has cloudy eyes, he looks really bad. I don't think there's much I can do, I'm already prepared for his death
. But what's wrong with him?
Nitrate 40 ppm ( I know it's a little high)
Nitrite 0
Ammonia 0
Ph 8.0


Staff member
He has a bacterial infection. Place him in a quaratine and treat him with antibiotics. Maracyn Two for saltwaterfish. I'm assuming you don't have a QT but we could help you thru the process if you are willing to QT the fish.
Is he eating at all?


Today he has not eaten at all. I have a small quarantine tank but I don't think it has cycled yet. Do you think it's better to pass him to the quarantine tank?


Staff member
Only if you are willing to constantly attend to the QT to keep it from going into a cycle. If you medicate, you are going to loose most of your bio-filter. Go ahead and move him to the QT and start hyposalinity. The instructions for this procedure is in the FAQ Thread at the top of this forum. Lets see how he fares with that procedure.
Keep in mind that you will need to keep close eye out on cycle in the QT and be ready to do mass water changes. Doing the hypo, you are going to be doing a lot of water changes anyway. Be sure to keep an eye on pH as you lower the salinity.


Staff member
Use a stress coat in the QT.
What is that lump in the pic? I am assumed it was a flaw in the picture?



Originally posted by Beth
Use a stress coat in the QT.
What is that lump in the pic? I am assumed it was a flaw in the picture?

which lump? in the gill?


I bought him like a week ago. I don't know the scientific name, I just know that it's a trigger, the LFS person said it was a redtail.