What's wrong with my anemone?


Active Member
I have a purple tip sebea that I have had for about two months. I had PCs for the first month and a half but just upgraded to MH about four days ago.
175watt MH
2 65watt PC blue
Water quality all great everything at zero (I.E. Ammonia, nitrite, nitrates etc.)
My PH is a little low about 7.8 ( I think is what the LFS told me when they tested my water on Friday.
Anyway, the sebea won't stay put, my goldstripe maroon keeps flipping it over, but he loves it and swims through it constantly,
However, the mouth of the anemone is open wide, What does that mean.


I saw this went unanswered, can you give me an update on how your sebea is?
As to the mouth being open, it could be several things or nothing. Could be hungry, could be a water problem, could be stress from something else. I'd make sure you check calcium, alkalinity, and a pH average.


Active Member
Thanks for checking up. I had a couple of threads open about my anemone.
But, I finally got it to stop moving. I boxed it in with some live rock. i actully think that my maroon clown was the problem. He loves that anemone, but he is constantly flipping it over. I went about four days with it open and stationary, but today when I looked, it was flipped over. I turned it right side up and am waiting for it to bloom out again.