sorry, forgot to say....i have had these clowns for about 2 weeks... showed up very small, just discoloration, maybe a little raise about a week its this, a little bit bigger too...i saw a little red tonight as i looked at it...does that mean that its growing maroon scales back? or is that blood? are they warm blooded? far as i know, the are tank raised but dont count wild out....
also, if it makes a difference, when i bought them, the guy helping me forgot to cover the top of the container while getting a bag and she did take a dive...probably aobut 6 feet onto a tile floor...could that have any relation to this??
fed her tonight...she is still eating like a pig...hehehe...its funny...she hordes all the food and eats it...she actually sometimes feeds a little to the guy... i've started up my q tank tonight....i'll through her in tomorrow when i get home from work...then on sunday i will go get any meds i need...i cant go before that because i'm wokring for like 12 hours tomorrow...
she is still swimming around gracefully as ever...very very active....never hiding....never laying down....seems to possibly breathing a little actually seems it has gotten a little bit bigger in the past hour...
is it possible she is rubbing it hard? in that case should i put her in the q tank with nothing hard? maybe a fake plant?
or is that not the case.....