whats wrong with my clown??


i think it might be an abrasion, butthis is the female!!
she has been kinda picking on the male at first cause he was trying to host with her, but now she is fine with it...but why this???


last one....
btw, she does not have anyother spots...
it has a little discoloration (this abrieson thing) and it is a little raised like a cut(swollen)....
about the size of a small sharpie pens tip on paper


i just did a search and found out some stuff....i dont think she has Brooklynella...there is no mucas or anything coming from the gills, mouth or anus.she isn't lathargic or stressed...she seems fine....everytihg but that...


its gotten worse....the skin looks like its raising more....almost cracking along the bottom of the bump...here are a few more pics....still looks active as always, and is eating like a freakin pig....
This might sound stupid but maybe she just bumped her head and just needs a little time to heal.
Just trying to help.
Sarah :)


its really bad now...almost the size of half a marble...like half a marble is sticking out of his head.....
should i dip him?
also, its getting more open...like its splitting open....i should say her...
also, i'm sure these are captive bred....
its 8:42 where i am and i cant get to a LFS...i'll go tomorrow, but what do i have to get???


here is the best pic i can get...still heating like a pig...still swimming as usual...maybe one of the shrimp is picking at it while she sleeps?
so, i should get that furacyn stuff and should i dose how you say or dose how it says.....
oh, and yes, its very much open...


that one shows how raised it is, this is a better veiw of the wound itself
btw, it has been "growing"...so i dont think its like a battle wound...especially from the male....


Staff member
I would suggest that you follow Terry's suggestion ASAP. At least get her in to a hospital tank, then start looking for the medication.
How long have you had the fish?? If its been awhile, you can likely rule out brook, and forgo the formalin.


k, i'll move her into Q tank...its opened up more....i will use the foracyn or whatever....but could someone please (if possible) tell me what it is? like ,is it some parasite? is it a tank inhabitant? maybe the tube anenome stung her there and it just killed the surrounding flesh????


sorry, forgot to say....i have had these clowns for about 2 weeks... showed up very small, just discoloration, maybe a little raise about a week ago...now its this, a little bit bigger too...i saw a little red tonight as i looked at it...does that mean that its growing maroon scales back? or is that blood? are they warm blooded?
um.....as far as i know, the are tank raised but dont count wild out....
also, if it makes a difference, when i bought them, the guy helping me forgot to cover the top of the container while getting a bag and she did take a dive...probably aobut 6 feet onto a tile floor...could that have any relation to this??
fed her tonight...she is still eating like a pig...hehehe...its funny...she hordes all the food and eats it...she actually sometimes feeds a little to the guy... i've started up my q tank tonight....i'll through her in tomorrow when i get home from work...then on sunday i will go get any meds i need...i cant go before that because i'm wokring for like 12 hours tomorrow...
she is still swimming around gracefully as ever...very very active....never hiding....never laying down....seems to possibly breathing a little heavy...it actually seems it has gotten a little bit bigger in the past hour...
is it possible she is rubbing it hard? in that case should i put her in the q tank with nothing hard? maybe a fake plant?
or is that not the case.....