whats wrong with my fish,help!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
i just got back from a 36hr trip and came home to fing my midas blenny with a little black on the long fin that stretches the length of his back. it was like little uneven stripes. he was nipped at by my sixline just once because he was in his "sleeping spot" where the blenny is now. the wound seem to have healed but he has these weird markings. is there anything i can do ? please help
ps: he was fed while i was gone.and he has been in my 40 reef with my false perc and sixline for about 1.5 weeks after a qt visit from the lfs.
any help is appreciated!,


Staff member
Can you detail the problem are that concerns you a bit more? Can you get a pic up?


Active Member
well it has been 24 hrs since i first saw it and he seems to look ok......so do you think i should tryto get a pic


Active Member
If it looks normal now, there is no sense of posting a picture. The discoloration was probably from trauma and has healed.