Whats wrong with my Setosa (PICS)


This is one of my rarest pieces in my tank. I've had it for about 2 months, it did fine for about a month then is slowly started to STN in different spots.
I've watched it slowly die for the past 3 weeks.
What to do?
Since the first question will be Parameters..... here you go.
Temp - 77.9-78.9
PH - 8.0-8.3 (Salifert)
Ammonia - 0 (API)
Nitrite - 0 (API)
Nitrate - 2.5 (Salifert)
Calcium - 460 (Tropic Marin)
Alk - 8.95 (Lamotte)
Phosphate - 0 (Salifert)
Iodide - .03 (Salifert)
Magnesium - 1320 (Red Sea)
Specific Gravity - 1.029 (Refractometer)
I think that about covers is it.
The picture is taken under Actinic lighting only. I will post a full lighting picture later.


The salinity is high. I would get a refractometer to test the SG level again. If you don't have one, your LFS would probably do it for a small fee.


Active Member
You have monit eating nudi's, I can see the eggs on the bottom side of the coral. I have dealt with these buggers in the past and let me tell you they are nearly impossible to get rid of. Had to toss a killer blue berry monti after trying unsuccessfully to get rid of them. Dips work only to get rid of the adult nudis and nothing other then cutting/scrapping will get rid of the egg sacks. Good luck and I hope I am wrong.


Active Member
yea, looks like nudi eggs to me as well. take the coral out, give it a dip in something like TMPCC and give that coral a good scrubing with a new toothbrush. dont scrub the tissue too hard, but enough to remove the eggs. i hope you dont have other montis in the tank


Originally Posted by teen
yea, looks like nudi eggs to me as well. take the coral out, give it a dip in something like TMPCC and give that coral a good scrubing with a new toothbrush. dont scrub the tissue too hard, but enough to remove the eggs. i hope you dont have other montis in the tank

First off what is TMPCC?
I have 15 different species of Monti's?


yeah looks for sure to be monti eating nudis you can dip them if you want but it wont kill the eggs i would pull it out cut off the dead spots and anything that looks like eggs or little white things and throw them in the trash then i would go get 2 radiant wrasses and pray ALOT because your in a world of trouble


New Member
It is possible to get rid of nudis. I found out I had them several months ago.
I took out all my montis and put them in a QT tank. Fragged the rim of all the montis where the nudis were eating them. I dipped them every 3-5 days for 3-4 weeks in Tropic Marin looked for eggs, if I saw eggs I scrapped them off. I can now say I am Monti eating nudi free


Just a bit of friendly advice... I would keep an eye on your tank, those things are evil and and have a nasty habit of reappearing months later.