What's wrong with my wrasse?


New Member
I have a cleaner wrasse that is very friendly with a royal gramma, so much so that the gramma moved from his beloved rock castle and now stays with the wrasse in another rock. Anyway, soon after the move the wrasse disappeared for two days. Just before I began searching the rocks he reappeared. But now he has a big lump in his midsection. I don't know if he swallowed something, is sick, or pregnant. Has anyone seen this happen. Thanks


Active Member
That is interesting as I have never had a Royal that would tolerate a Cleaner Wrasses attentions. Normally they would leave the area. I suppose the Gramma could have bit the Wrasse as thier mouths do open pretty wide when annoyed. Does their seem to be any redness in the area of the bulge? To be pregnant you would have to have a pair (they have been known to mate in a tank when paired off).


Active Member
Usually wrasses and grammas dont get along. I had a six line that would constantly fight with a gramma I had. One day while watching the usual spats the gramma opened his mouth and clamped on to the six line's face almost up to it's eyes! I could not believe how big the grammas mouth was. Now as far as the cleaner maybe it was bit or found somethings to eat. I know when I feed my cleaner mysis or brine he eats so much he looks instantly pregnant.