What's wrong with Scuba Steve? **HELP**


well i recently purchased a yellow tang.....and i have had him for about a week.....and i have noticed lately that he is turning pale...and i am feeding him exactly what the LFS was feeding him....and he eats everything i throw in the tank...here is what i feed him...
in the morning before school: sea veggies
after school: remaing sea veggies caught in clip
before bed: 1/2 a cube of formula two


You may want to try this thread in the Disease & Treatment forum... I'm sure Beth will be able to help out (just make sure you post with all your parameters to save time). Wish you the best of luck!


well until i post it tomm.....do you think that i am feeding him enough? i am thinking maybe lack of vitamins or something...shouldi be feeding him more often?


They get pale when the lights are off or low....when you turn your lights on full blast, does he brighten up?


well when he was pale the lights were on full blast....the lights on the tank are the standard fluroscent lights that came with the tank.........i fed him his nightly formula two (1/2 a cube) and he brightened up some.....but the other fish in the tank eat it too..so i put him some sea veggies in the tank for the night....and i am gonna see how that does...


Active Member
its always a good idea to get an upgrade of lights from the ones that come with your tank. This is weather you have corals or not. Even fish do better with better lights.


Staff member
Actually, the tang needs some more "meat and potatoes"...I mean meaty foods. Yes 70% veggies, but then the rest protein! Try adding some zoecon as a supplement to the protein portions.
What are your water readings, particularly nitrates? Do you have LR in your tank? How about a grounding probe? If you don't have a grounding probe, then get one asap, and one for your sump as well if you have one.


First of all, that's an awful lot of food going into your tank!! You may wanna check your nitrate and ammonia levels.
And second off...no, secondly... He needs meat. I know they are considered "herbivores" but you need to throw in some mysis shrimp or something like it. I buy the saltwater multipack and feed everything except the squidd, (That goes to the anemone). But my YT seems to love it. You may wanna try it, it's only like 6 bucks at petsmart!!


Funny Beth, I was typing when you were. I tried to attach a pic of the food I was referring to and the server laughed at me. No really, heard it out loud... I had to remove the pic then it posted. Lemme try again...
Nope, no pics.:nope:


last time i checked nitrates and ammonia was before i added Scuba Steve and they were 0....but i will check again tomm...what is a grounding probe??
and for meat.....what about normal shrimp? i have fed my other tanks this before but not on a regular basis.....will normal shrimp suffice? and see the nearest LFS or petsmart/***** or whatever is alteast an hour away.....so i cannot go readily and buy zoecon/selcon/multipacks...the only "meat" ihave to work with is some frozen shrimp:notsure:


oh yea........i got 20lbs of live rock in there too...i know not much....but i am gonna order 50lbs more in a month or two