whats wrong with some of my snails


a couple of my snails are not moving...but i know there are still alive ive checked, and they keep flipping over??? any suggestions? and my sg is 1.025 temp 80-82 ammonia is 0 trites 0 trates 10


mexican turbos...we had a really bad storm the other day...the next day is when i noticed that they were all on the sand and it was weird bc they never go on the sand....and one was upside down and i flipped him back and he flipped over within 1 min...now few dont really move around... but i know they are alive...unless they are just spazzin lol


what i noticed with my snails is that they dont really move at all when the lights are on cause they feed during the nite time try checking out if they move when you turn all the lights off at nite


Mexican turbos do better in colder water, like 72-78. So that plus the storm may be the reason that they are spazzin' out. I think just waiting it out and seeing if they are okay at night. Sorry, but in water that warm, they don't usually live that long. Not trying to tell you that you are wrong or anything.

aztec reef

Active Member
Do they have enuff food source(algea)??
have u done or has something different happened lately??? (other than the storm).


When mine started doing that a week later they were dead............


i believe they have enough food, i did my weekly water change and i flipped them back over and they started to move up the back wall on the tank.....i guess we will have to wait and see
...and no i have not done anything new, except i did add the oceanic protein skimmer about a month ago or so