What's wrong with these Star Polyps?


Two days ago, after conducting a water change, one group of Star Polyps started to close abruply; completely closing within an hour and has not opened since. I used RO/DI water with Instance Ocean that had been areated for 30 hours, Seachem's Reef Carbonate to raise PH from 7.9 to 8.2, and Seachem Reef Plus. My other corals (Zoos, Mushrooms) do not seem to be affected nor do the inverts and fish. What did I do?
Tank Parameters:
Size: 30 Gallon Cube
Lighting: 96W CF 50/50
Filtration: Marineland Emporer 280 Power Filter, Marineland Seaclone 100 Skimmer
SG: 1.022
Temp: 80.1 Non-Fluctuating
Calcium: 360ppm
PH 8.2


Active Member
When you did the water change did you make the new water the same salinity as your tank water?


Active Member
Mighta shocked them slightly... like I said they should come back shortly.. give it a little more time maybe =c)


Active Member
My star polyps stay in for days sometimes. I usually give them a lights scrubbing with a toothbrush and they come out the next day.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mudplayerx
My star polyps stay in for days sometimes. I usually give them a lights scrubbing with a toothbrush and they come out the next day.

Any specific brand toothbrusth they like?


Active Member
Heh, I use the complimentary toothbrushes that we have here at work. I've found that the star polyps tend to stay indoors if detritus or cyano starts accumulating on them. In fact, I usually find new growth a day or two after lightly brushing them.
ps- If you are interested in fragging star polyps I have used a razor blade with great results. Just cut a square out of the star polyp crust and lift it off of the rock. It works better if you cut the crust from the middle of the star polyps so that the hole grows back quicker from all sides. I don't even glue the frag, I just wedge it on a rock and it attaches within a week or two.