i have a 20g long reef tank that has been running since april. its current stocklist is, 1 yellow watchman, 1 false perc, 1 engineer goby, hermits, snails, 1 emerald crab, 2 clams. corals include, black sun coral, zoas, GSP, montipora, leather, and assorted mushrooms. everything is looking nice except my zoas...the past week they havent been opening much and its bothering me. heres my water parameters, ammonia-0 nitrite-0 nitrate-0 pH-8.3 SG-1.026 calcium-400 KH-8 PO4-0 i dont know but those numbers look pretty sexy to me
so i have no idea why they wont open? any ideas? oh! and the lighting is a 150W HQI 14k MH.