What's your favorite coral?


New Member
I am wanting to add a coral to the center point of my 65g reef tank. What is your favorite corals? I think this will help quite a few people that want to add a coral and are running out of room. :cool:


Active Member
i love the elegance coral...they have been difficult to keep alive recently, but i just got two in and they are both great!


I too vote for the elegance. I love mine, but thanks to an evil bi-color angel, I may loose it. Time will tell...

nm reef

Active Member
The favorite in my reef is my metallic green bubble.....or my hammer.......either would be a kewl center piece.........but thats just my opinion....*_^


It's a toss up for me. I have a huge elegance (not a purple tip) and a huge frogspawn that is green and red-ish. Both are very nice when fully inflated / expanded. My frogspawn is above my elegance on the lr, but both are in the center of my tank, 2 center pieces. :D


Active Member
I have a hammer coral as the center piece. Very nice looking corals.
I love some of the frogspawns though and as a matter of fact making a trip down to my favorite lfs today at lunch time to check some out.