Whats your list of fish and corals


Whats in your Aquarium???
Ill go first
purple tang
yellow tang
Ocellaris clownfish
flame angel
diamond goby
Engineer goby
green chromis x4
I only have some mushrooms thats it beacuause my lighting isnt strong enough for anything but ill get some lighting for reef when i get enough money


Active Member
100g tank
400W pc lighting
blue hippo tang
fuzzy dwarf lionfish
tomato clown
2 scissor tail dart fish
2 yt damsils
1- 3 stripped damsil
1 madarin goby
1 flashlight jaw fish
1 white ribbon eel
10 turbo
6 astrea
20 hermits
1 sally lightfoot
1 cleanershrimp
2 peppermint shrimp
1 urchin
blue mushroom 6 polyps
green button polpys
green star polyps
colt coral
blue/pink table coral
2 rbta's
green lta
purple lta
2 feather dusters
1 electric scallop
wow seems like a lot after i list it all!!!

who dey

Active Member
2 percs
1 coral beauty angel
devils hand leather
toadstool leather
large frog spawn
multiple mushrooms
meat coral
xenia colonies
and a few newcomers growin out of LR
4 turbo's
1 pep shrimp
1 banded coral shrimp
1 orange linchia starfish
tank only 3 months, everything is exploding!!!!!


saifin tang
clown tang
hippo tang
pair of wild gold stripe maroons
sixline wrasse
black sailfin blenny
caribean sailfin blenny
blue-spotted jawfish
15 or so blue legs
5-8 scarlet hermits
20 astreas
2 nasarus
sand sifting star
purple linkia
caribean pistol shrimp
scarlet cleaner
2 pepermint shrimp
tons of zoo, neons, baby blues,orange,pinks,greens,reds,purple and orange, yellow green skirts, ect.....
6 various open brains
9 head frogspawn
red pom-pom xenia
baby blue pagoda
bubble coral
various shrooms and ricordia
3 colonys star polyps
monti cap, orange, green w/ purple rim, and purple
pink milli
blue milli
a couple of stags
other sps


2 mandarins
2 firefish gobies
1 percula clown
1 clown gobie(green)
1 coral beauty
1 regal tang
1 damsil
1 cleaner shrimp
1 blue coral banded shrimp
1 pistal tiger shrimp
2 emrald crabs
1 porcilne crab
5 zebra hermits
5 scarlets
5 blue leg hermits
1 brown hermit
1 electric blue hermit
1 brittle star
4 feather dusters
1 boxing crab
2 nudibranch (no id on them)
1 frogs spawn
3 pcs zoos
4 pcs button pollups
1 chili coral
1 colt coral
1 figure 8 brain coral
1 sps elephante skin coral
1 leather toadstool coral
Hundreds of blue metalic shrooms
8 green shrooms
3 red shrooms
1 yellow shroom
2 gorganas


one show peice of "dead" rock and some live sand!!
My tank is almost 3 weeks old, I'm getting there!! Zoocrazy I love your choices!! that is exactly what i want to put in mine...over lots and lots of time. How do you like your clown tang? They are soo pretty!


120 gallon tank includes
2 yellow tangs
1 blue hippo tang
1 coral beauty
1 flame
1 koran angel
1 grey angel
1 maroon clown
2 true perculas
2 black & white perculas
1 lyretail anthia
this is a full tank, planned ahead though with extra filtration
1 coral banded shrimp
1 pepperment shrimp
3 mexican turbos
lots of cerith snails, they are breeding
lots of crabs, red tip, blue leg and zebra.
working on better light system for more inverts, but this group has been together for awhile.