whats your opinion?


Well unfortunatley I have to ask this question...............My yellow tang recently went on to bigger and better tanks in the sky :(
All I have in my 40 gal f/o is a clarki clown, 1 cleaner shrimp and a few blue leg crabs. Any suggestions on what I should put in next? Would love something that is going to hang a round for a while. As I posted in the D & T, things go great and then boom suddenly I lose a friend.
Thanks!!!!! :( :confused: :(


Active Member
OK - you've got a realtively small tank so you should not have put a yellow tang in there to begin with.
I have two suggestions:
1. Go with Damsels - 3 Domino, 3, 3 stipe, and enjoy the battles.
2. Try either a pigmy angel
a. Bicolor - loves to roam for algae
b. Flame Agnel - on sale and very pretty
c. Coral Beauty - combo of traits explained above.
They are good fish - watch the ich