Whats Your Opinion!!!


ive just got my tank up and running with fish and everything and have 2 perc clowns who havent gotten use to my tank yet so they dont do much swimming the usually just stay in one spot, and i know they soon get use to my tank and start swimming alot more but when i feed them thier kinda funny to watch...
my question is what are some of the funniest fish to watch all the time and friendliest???
im looking for fish that are very colorfull and extremely fun to watch during the day but they need to be extremely friendly what is your opinion on this kind of fish???


Bi-colored blennie. Super fun and funny! They are colorful this pick doesn't do justice to the colors but it show how mine kinda plays peek a boo

They are peaceful, reef safe, and friendly with most other fish, except other blennies and big fish that want blennie for breakfast


Active Member
Can you tell me if you have any macroalgae or sand you would like to sell me or trade me for some live rock?


Originally Posted by ANTHONY17
ive just got my tank up and running with fish and everything and have 2 perc clowns who havent gotten use to my tank yet so they dont do much swimming the usually just stay in one spot, and i know they soon get use to my tank and start swimming alot more but when i feed them thier kinda funny to watch...
my question is what are some of the funniest fish to watch all the time and friendliest???
im looking for fish that are very colorfull and extremely fun to watch during the day but they need to be extremely friendly what is your opinion on this kind of fish???

My clown after almost 4 months still sits in the EXACT same place maybe moves a few ins in my 25 gallon... Whats funny is I moved him over to my 125 gallon and he does the same thing.... Hasn't left his little corner at all but is doing fine....
I second the vote or third or whatever it is on blennies they are really funny to watch. My puffer is funnnnyyy. I had him with my clown for a while. I have a blue sharpnose puffer.... he comes and stares at you... My lion is also funny he's a dwarf fuzzy, and begs for food all the time!!!