When and what kind of starfish



I would like to add a starfish or two to my tank. I would like them to help sift the sand and keep the glass clean.
What kind of stars are compatible? Could they be added at the same time? Which stars pose the lowest threat to my fish and snails?
I was thinking about a cc and serpant.
Any help/suggestions opinions will be appreciated.
The tank has been running for about 3 months. As of last night all the reading where regular (Ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 25ppm).
Here is what I got:
46G Bowfront
2 Clarkiis (in a little over a week).
50 lbs LS
12 lbs LR
3 bumblee snails
1 Turbo snail
75 Watts of lighting

sinner's girl

cc? choc chip? may knock over your snails and eat them, choc chip are said to not be reef safe. i have a serpent and brittle, while they don't clean the class much they do eat off the bottom,
I've heard green brittle will eat small fish, the brittle i have (red) has never bothered the fish or other inverts that i know of.
we added both the brittle and the serpent at the same time (there was also a choc chip in there at that time)
hope this helps


I do like my snails so I guess that rules out the choclate chip. Thanks for the info.
How long should I wait to add a star? Anybody know anything about the sandsifters?


Sinner's any trouble with your cc? Mine is small. I do have numerous snails. I keep the cc fed as best I can.


Active Member
I like the cc the best and no they don't always eat your snails. I've had two cc stars for 8 months with about 22 snails and they never even bother them. But they will eat ployps and corals. If you keep the cc stars well fed I don't think they will bother your snails, but each star is different.