When bulbs go bad...

This may seem like a stupid question but: How can you tell when it's time to change the light bulbs? How can you tell when the spectrum in the bulbs may be off?
The reason I ask is that my bta hasn't extended it's tentacles in weeks and it generally just doesn't look as healthy as it used to. I originally thought it was because it was stressed because it got a few of it's tentacles stuck in a powerhead and in the process of freeing it, it was hurt.
This happened several weeks ago and since then, I've been battling a really bad outbreak of cyano. I think that I'm finally winning the battle with the cyano (by addressing water circulation and doing 25% water changes every week for the past 3 weeks) but, the bta still is not looking well.
So, because of the following reasons, would you assume that there may be a problem with my lights?
1. The bta hasn't extended it's tentacles and is wondering the tank more frequently (which is why it got stuck in the ph).
2. The outbreak of cyano
My tank is 29g and the lighting is 2 x 65w power compacts and the bulbs are only 7months old.
Thanks for any input

madd catt

I think they have too changed before they blow only because the light they are emmiting isnt enough anymore.


I use PC's & when I need to clean the green algae off of the glass every day & nothing else has changed then I know we're working with the wrong spectrum. Normally for my lighting schedule that will be between 8-10 months. If the algea starts growing on the sand I know I've waited about 6 weeks too long.


Active Member
That wouldn't be a JBJ fixture would it? My original bulbs in the JBJ lasted only 6-7 months before I saw the same problems as you. I'd change bulbs.


Active Member
I might of missed something here, so forgive me if I did. Did you mention what type of light bulbs? I would think that MH, VHO, and PC would all vary.