When can I add these fish?


When will I be able to add the following fish"
1 clarkii or false percula or seabe or tomato
1 blenny or goby
Also I have two damsels(lemon)but when I can add "better" fish I may get rid of them both.
So whats my max bio-load in a 20 gal. high?
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don berry

I would say you would definately have to get rid of the two damsels. Then you could add the other two fish. I would say that many people would say that two is your max bioload, but definetly no more than three.


My clarkii Clown is very agressive towards the percula clown. Nice fish!
Make sure the tank cycles about a month with live rock and then add one fish and then two a week later.
Take Care


the clarkii clown will be very aggressive i had to bring 2 back to the fish store and gave 1 away. the older they get the more aggressive they become

tru conch

Active Member
get rid of the damsels, then i would add whichever of the clowns you want. i would say a pair of clowns and one goby would be the max for your tank, and only after it is cycled. but the clowns tend to be a hardier fish than gobies/blennies, so i would add the gobies/blennies after the clowns.


ok so don't add a clarkii right everyone? I won't.
Are the saebea,false percula,tomato,or black percula compatible or are they agressive?Thanks for the last post everyone who responded.Also what would be the best blenny/goby to add?

tru conch

Active Member
perculas are on the passive side. as far as the blenny/goby, thats really up to what you want in your tank. a good addition would be a firefish, or a yellow headed jawfish. both are colorful, passive and fun to watch.


Just a question to clarify---i bought a clownfish awhile ago and the lfs told me it was one type and come to find out it was not what they said it was.
I found out by looking on the homepage under info. for hobbiest that it was a clarkii/sebea clownfish

so is that fish one in the same or is there a clarkii clownfish and a sebea clownfish? or do they have the same name? Just curious thanks