When can i start adding?



Ok, well i'm coming up on week 3 of adding live rock(this friday) but my ammonia and nitrite are gone and my trates are at about 50. so i am just curious when i can start adding a clean up crew..there is brown algae everywhere! lol Thanks all!
Ride on!


Active Member
i would let your trates come down a little more but if ammonia and trites are down you can add them. Also if your ammonia and trites both read zero(double check with a different test) then your cycle is pretty uch done.


Hello RoGeTa, I asked my lfs that question the other day cause I was ready to add some cleaners myself....serious diatoms! and they said to get my trates down to about 10 cause inverts don't like high nitrates.
Good luck!

blue dew

I'm also pretty new at this hobby, but from what I've read and the huge amount of info on this board, you might want to consider doing a good 25% or so water change to lower your nitrates. I waited until my ammonia and nitrites were both zero for a week, then did a water change. It dropped my nitrates down from 10 to a bit less than 5. I also had both the brown (diatom) algae and a green hairy algae growing on my glass and the sand. A week after the water change I added a 1/2 dozen astrea snails and a couple small hermits. They've gone to town on the stuff. My nitrates are now about 2. Hope this helps


Hey thanks for all the great responses! I'm gonna go check my trates...well...they are still at 50 well a little less but not low enough. I will try th water change in a day or two and see what they lower too. Thanks all!