When do I Start the Skimmer?


On the advice of the majority on this board, I turned off the skimmer while I cycled my tank with LR & LS. Finally, it looks like the cycle is about over. Yipee! So, when do I start the skimmer again? Now? After I add fish (still down the road)? 17 days after I add fish? When water test levels start to act up?


Active Member
i would restart after teh cycle is complete and before adding fish, jsut give it a couple of days to make sure all is working fine, and i give it about 2 weeks before i add fish, jsut to make sure i have everything stable anyhow, personally

mr . salty

Active Member
Protien skimmers are designed to remove excess waste,and dissolved organtics.I doubt if there are much of these in an unstocked,newly cycled tank.I would wait till after the fish are added...Then maybe a week or so after that.