At point do I consider an anenome dead? I bought a green long tenacled anenome yesterday, acclimated it for 2 1/2 hours and put him in on a rock. He was very bouyant and kept bouncing around so I placed a rock (lightly) to kind of wedge him down a little hoping he would take hold. He opened up and looked good. This morning he was droopy and kind of had his head in his a**. Basically he looks like he turned inside out. His foot or base looks mangled. He does not smell bad but is not sticky to the touch like he should be. I placed a krill on what was left of his tenacles sticking out and it did repel it. What should I do?
parameters are
temp 81
sg 1.023
amm 0
nitrite 0
nitrate less than 20
ph 8.3
parameters are
temp 81
sg 1.023
amm 0
nitrite 0
nitrate less than 20
ph 8.3