When do I take it out?



At point do I consider an anenome dead? I bought a green long tenacled anenome yesterday, acclimated it for 2 1/2 hours and put him in on a rock. He was very bouyant and kept bouncing around so I placed a rock (lightly) to kind of wedge him down a little hoping he would take hold. He opened up and looked good. This morning he was droopy and kind of had his head in his a**. Basically he looks like he turned inside out. His foot or base looks mangled. He does not smell bad but is not sticky to the touch like he should be. I placed a krill on what was left of his tenacles sticking out and it did repel it. What should I do?
parameters are
temp 81
sg 1.023
amm 0
nitrite 0
nitrate less than 20
ph 8.3


Your salinity should be higher around 1.025 and 1.026 what are you using to measure the salt refractometer or hydrometer?
How established is your tank, and what kind of lighting do you have?


Is he holding onto the rock still? Once they let go and just lay on the bottom, you're in trouble with him IMO.


if you just got him yesterday definitely give him some time.......takes him a while to adjust to everything......he'll look better ina day or two......and let him find his own place....don't wedge him down at all....


Active Member
Originally Posted by emmitt
Is he holding onto the rock still? Once they let go and just lay on the bottom, you're in trouble with him IMO.
I would say that the response above says it all. And DO NOT wedge anything on them, :scared: only makes matters worse. It can be as simple as the salinity in your tank (low) is different from the tank it came out of. Try to raise the salinity slowly to 1.024-1.025 and keep it there.

tank watch

let him find a place on his own. make sure he gets plenty of light. My ritteri looked the same way for the first 2 weeks. eventually he settled and opened and closed on schedule. recently he found a new home at the top of the tank, on the glass, right on the surface of the water.
My bubble tip is still searching for his spot...

tank watch

a few days have passed now, and the bubble tip found his spot: on the bottom under all the rocks, where you can barely see him at all...