When do the bubbles stop?


I got my protein skimmer (corallife for 125gal) for my 70gallon reef and I am wondering when the bubbles that the protein skimmer makes will stop shooting out of the overflow?


I am having the same problem, I hope someone who has experience in this skimmer will be able to answer your question.

uk cats

I have the same skimmer except mine is the 65 gal series. I dont know if my info will help you but I had the same issue with mine. My problem was I was using Stress coat and that was giving me excess bubbles and driving my skimmer crazy. I have learned anything with aloe and also any epoxy putty will set them off until full cure. Sorry if this doesnt help but this was my problem.


I have 125 CSS. It took almost 2 weeks to “break in”.
It was shooting dustlike bobbles from the output and clouded my tank.
Coralife’s web site has a knowledge base and this is a common issue with new skimmers.
If you used their setup instructions – bobbles will go away. HTH.


try adjusting the air intake valve(little black knob). you could have too much or not enough air. also make sure the whole pump and grey sponge are submersed in water.


make sure you don't have the exit tube pushed all the way in the return box there need to be space in the foam so its not sitting on the white filter, this helped mine and then I still had a few but it went away after about a week....HTH