When feeding...


When feeding a Sun Coral ( I think I posted something about this, but I never acted on it so I must start a new one) what do you soak the food in before feeding it? Also, how often would you reccomend feeding it? I've done research and found out that once daily is what everyone seems to be doing. And the final question, do corals carry ich? If there is anything else I should know about these sun corals please tell. Thanks everyone


Most food soaks wash right off anyhow...we never soak anything these days.
As for frequency, daily is great, but we used to go every-other when we kept Tubastrea, and they grew well and opened regularly.
If you have any fish/critters that might rob the suns, you'll want to make a feeding cap for it from the top of a 2L bottle. Silicone a few marbles around the base for weight.