When fish attack


This is what happens when your hand feeding your 3' eel and have one eye on the puffer and the Huma gets you from behind. He's fast!


Active Member
Haha, that's what u get for being a dumbass. don't be such a

n00b at feeding ur fish next time. pay the ---- attention or else i'll ban u for this pointless spamming of MY forum,



Active Member
you should make a safe on the bottom of your tank. You have like 3 animals gaurding it right there. all of them capable of doing some damage!


It's hard to tell by the photo... But he took a 1/4 inch plug of skin out.
I'm a little more careful feeding now. Shesh! I usually worry about the puffer... But, now I've got to worry about the Huma


Active Member
holy mother of abraham lincoln! you couldnt see that in the other picture.
how big are the teeth on that little guy? well...8 inches isnt all that little, he jsut looked little compared to the puffer. So you now have to watch these fish, but your able to handfeed a 3 foot eel? what type of eel is it? lol. If you had a green moray or a dragon eel, thats what id bbe afraid of. haha


Active Member
My Niger is approaching the 6- range and will go after my arm/hand. He does not bother any of his tank mates but I guess he thinks my arm is a buffet. he hasyet to bite me now that he is bigger but I always keep a watchful eye on him when I venture into the set-up.


Holy crap!!! Thats gotta hurt (from Captain Obvious) on that subject, my lion isn't going to attack me is he?


No, your lion won't attack you like that. Lionfish are listed as aggressive, but only because they will eat their tankmates. They really should be listed as gluttonous!!
That is not something I wanted to see Offshore80!! That has to hurt like crazy!! Are you worried now about putting your hand in there? This really concerns me because I am planning on getting a trigger or two and now, well, who wants to be chewed up while cleaning?? Are nigers as likely to attack? :notsure:


Active Member
nigers are much less agressive than other triggers. but, like with any fish, it depends on the personality a whole bunch too.


This was totally my fault.
My Lunar is hyper fast. So my Huma has to be very aggressive to beat him to the food. My Niger is laid back and will wait before he gets into the frenzy. When I stuck my hand in there to feed my Zebra Moray eel I knew the Huma was at the other side of the tank so I was looking at the puffer who can do some real damage also. I just didn't expect the Huma to dart that fast to my hand and go after the shrimp I was feeding my eel. After that.. now I throw a piece at the opposite side of the tank as a decoy. Then feed the eel. It's been working so far.